Aileron mod
Author: clément livolsi Author Email: clément's email Specs: Unknown Material Required: Paper Stock Downloads available: |
Notes: Clément from France has come up with this stability mod for the Z. Nice graphics clément! |
Body Building Methods
Author: Cpt.Krunch Author Email: Cpt.Krunch at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Material Required: Dupron or Zepron Downloads available: |
Racerx asked for a tutorial on building the bodies for a Picoo so here is my cheesy method. If you are spartan with the glue and sand the body thin, these are as light or lighter than stock. Start with 1mm Zepron, you can get a sheet at Dairy Queen. You also could use Depron or use the foam from a meat tray with the outer surface sanded off for weight savings. Draw an out line of the chopper you wish to build on the Zepron sheet, mapping out all the original choppers dimensions. Cut the foam and then make a strip for the bottom (the floor) and one for the top. I bent the top strip of foam to fit the contour of the heli. Glue with foam safe CA or Foam adhesive but use it lightly. Once the frame is all together, just sand to shape and decide if you want skids or gear. The skids you see in the pic are carbon rod and Depron. Now you should have a new little body ready for a magic marker paint job. Enjoy! By the way, the News chopper is fastest but the big "Acme Tours" is by far the best flyer. Cptn.K |
Cheap Weight Mod
Author: WaterDog Author Email: WaterDog at RCGroups Specs: Forward Flight Modification Material Required: Lead pellet "Sampler" Downloads available: |
Notes: Don't know if this has been covered before, but a friend used a lead airgun pellet for ballast and thought is was a great idea. So, head on down to Wally world or Sports Authority and pick up a Lead pellet "Sampler". It will have varied weights and types to experiment with. Use light ones for close quarters and heavier ones for speed. I'd recommend the .177 size sampler. The .22 size is shown but are for speed. Crosman also has a light aluminum .177 for fine tuning. Looks better not having the tack sticking out of the nose too. |
Easy EPP Canard Wing Mod
Author: MrFlash Author Email: MrFlash at RCGroups Specs: Epp canard addition Material Required: EPP foam Downloads available: |
Notes: Easy EPP canard wing mod to keep the nose down for forward flight. Super stable, blip the throttle gets the nose down and yer away |
Forward Flight Tail Boom Mod
Author: melcrose Author Email: Melcrose at RCGroups Specs: Forward Flight Modification Material Required: None Downloads available: |
Notes: |
Hammerhead Canard mod
Author: TheBender Author Email: TheBender at RCGroups Specs: Epp canard addition Material Required: EPP or Depron Foam Downloads available: |
Notes: Another Canard addition for forward flight. |
Hammerhead Mod
Author: lezard Author Email: lezard at RCGroups Specs: Forward Flight Modification Material Required: Paper Stock Downloads available: |
On PicooZ Toolbox , there are plenty of amazing mods. The most interesting ones are those that use the rotor wind power to inclinate the PicooZ and get more forward Thrust. I've made a summary of those mods on the attachments. I've choosen to try the Hammerhead mod, but I modified it a little to make it easy to do by everyone really simply. No need to cut, glue, use EEP etc... A single piece of paper is an excellent choice. Just use scissors to make it in a sheet of paper then use a thin piece of tape to hold it under the body of the little bird. See the pictures on the attachments. Also I did a drawing, using PAINT, I let it in .bmp so everybody can modify it. |
PiccoZ Skins
Author: rcnyc78 Author Email: rcnyc78 at RCGroups Specs: Apply your own skins to the Z Material Required: Paper Stock Downloads available: |
Notes: rcnyc78 has created some skins for the PiccoZ. Here is what he has to say "For those of you with DHL envy (like me) you can now print these "skins" and get a little closer to that DHL PZ only available in Germany." |
PicooZ/Havoc Component Placement
Author: Neurotex Author Email: Neurotex at RC Universe Specs: Depicts component placement Material Required: N/A Downloads available: |
Notes: Neurotex had created this drawing to help in him build and to locate parts placement in the Havoc/Z. Thanks Neurotex for sharing this great drawing! |
Rod Flames V1
Author: tobu Author Email: Tobu at Specs: Unknown Material Required: Paper Stock Downloads available: |
Notes: Tobu made a couple of printable picooZ decal sets (sides, tail, fin) in pdf format to dress up your Z! |
Author: MegaTesla Author Email: MegaTesla at RCGroups Specs: Scoop canopy Material Required: Black 220gsm paper Downloads available: |
Notes: Scoop canopy to help forward flight. The PDF link was used to contain the other shot of the canopy. |
Side Graphics
Author: Solarsail Author Email: Solarsail at RCGroups Specs: Body Graphics for your Z Material Required: Paper Stock Downloads available: |
Notes: Some very nice side graphics for your Z! |
Spoiler Mod
Author: Barend van den Berg Author Email: Barend van den Berg's email Specs: Forward Flight Modification Material Required: EPP or Depron Downloads available: |
Notes: Spoiler addition for better forward flight. Check out the authors web site for details CLICK HERE |
Spoiler Mod 2
Author: cci[RR]us Author Email: cci[RR]us's email Specs: Forward Flight Modification Material Required: Plastic from PiccoZ box Downloads available: |
Notes: Spoiler addition for better forward flight |
Straight Flight Mod
Author: MartinT Author Email: MartinT at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Material Required: Tape, hammer head mod. Downloads available: |
Here's my contribution, A small yet "priceless" mod to make the heli fly in a real straight line. It is supposed to be used together with the existing excellent hammerhead mod, in order to facillitate forward flight. My mod simply consists of a small piece of (folded) scotch tape taped on the tail boom, then cut to shape, so as to effectively double the area of the existing vertical tail. With this mod (together with the hammerhead) you'll see that once trimmed it is possible to let the heli fly in a perfect (and I mean: PERFECT!) straight line!!! |
Super Slim
Author: tobu Author Email: Tobu at Specs: 8g AUW Material Required: transparent plastic from food package Downloads available: |
Tobu latest, the "SuperSlim". Here is what he has to say about its construction: Had a new go on the picooZ - this time it's all about weight loss and simplicity. The body width is about 1/3rd of the original, giving it way more upward lift - so I called it SuperSlim. AUW is 8 grams (wooot? yes :) ), using only some transparent plastic from a food package and some film tape. Think it flies better than ever - responds very accurately,climbs even on the lowest throttle and keeps climbing until the LiPo saver cuts off.I have ball bearings in there so can't tell about regular flight time, but I get it to fly around 12 minutes now from a full charge; could only get 7 or 8 mins with the standard body on. Could also be done using light cardboard with some nice prints on it instead, maybe I'll design some patterns for it soon. |
Tail Boom Mod
Author: Martyn McKinney Author Email: Martyn McKinney at RCGroups Specs: Flight Stabilization Material Required: Clear Tape Downloads available: |
I recently bought 2 Picoos. One, I left stock. The other, I lightened by removing the plastic gear covers and most importantly the paper decal covering the tailboom. I noticed that this modified heli behaved differently from the stock one. When I would start a turn, the heli would keep rotating and I usually would have to apply reverse turn to stop it. Both of my helis originally turned clockwise. In the instructions, it suggests rotating the tailboom 30 degrees to compensate. This does 2 things. It reduces the moment from the thrust from the tail rotor and pushes the nose down.I realized that it also compensated for the right hand turn by putting a vane (the original paper tailboom decal) in the rotor's downwash causing a rotation to the left. As an experiment, I added a Scotch tape extension to the tailboom. What a difference! Now the heli holds its heading and is much easier to fly. The extra area of the vertical stabilizer on the tail significantly dampens the yaw. I thought I would pass this information on so that others might expand on it. |
Tail Boom Mod #2 (Leadfeather Mod)
Author: leadfeather Author Email: leadfeather at RCGroups Specs: Flight Stabilization Material Required: Clear Tape Downloads available: |
Notes: I have tried many mods to my PZ as you can see in the attached picture. At one point I removed the tail fin surfaces. This made the PZ very unstable in yaw. The first two minutes of flight on a fresh battery were uncontrollable. I was always way over controlling in one direction or the other...good thing this is a tough little chopper. I then replaced the tailfeathers with a larger fin than original made with clear packaging tape. the new "fin" is the full length of the tail boom and is about 3/4" high.. It is now flying the best ever with steady predictable turns in both directions even at the start of a freshly charged flight. |
Tail Fin Mod
Author: MegaByte-2 Author Email: MegaByte-2 at RCGroups Specs: Helps Heli Flight Material Required: Paper, glue and CF Downloads available: |
I call this the leadfeather/frostick fin. Since leadfeather was the first post I saw with a 3/4" clear tape strip on the tailboom and the full rotor is exposed for efficiency as Peter mentioned. It prints full size using MS Paint so you can change colors, add clipart things to it . It is very stable. Just print and use stationary type rubber cement along one side of the tail boom and align up the first side. Then just glue the second one to the first. Thats it! The second picture is a standard type CF landing gear. This is for the guys that dont want to flip the motor over to the top. I had bad luck trying to make palomo's little piece for the boom mount points. I think his was woven. My CF strip has all the threads parallel. Drill 2 small holes in it and try to trim it off the main peice ,,,,it splits. Next tried just a "butt joint" using CA. Nope, kept popping loose. Finally butt jointed it using a drop of UHU Por Creative. That holds great. The front 2 Cf rods are glued to the back of the Rx mount towards the motor as close as possible. Watch for glue to creep towards the RX "clip". It can be easily trimmed away when dry. If not, the Rx wont go all the way on the clips. The rear is just glued with a small drop on the bottom of the tail boom abt 1/4" behind the rotor mast. The 4 legs are .030" and the runners are .070" CF. Still need to put the "tips" on. Putting the Z upside in a 3rd hand to hold it works great. The body in the pic is very quiet, but should have been yellow. What a lemon! I'll save that for another posting. |
Tail Mod
Author: GeoStar Author Email: GeoStar at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Material Required: Plastic stock from product package Downloads available: |
GeoStar's Notes: I have noticed nice stable flight and easy to hover and turn (since the tail was added to my PicooZ). (It is) made from clear plastic from PicooZ Box. |
Tape Mod
Author: saabguyspg Author Email: saabguyspg at RCGroups Specs: Tape mod Material Required: Stock clear tape Downloads available: |
Notes: Tape applied to nose of PiccoZ helps with forward flight also. |
Tripod Mod
Author: Ibanezjimjim666 Author Email: Ibanezjimjim666 at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Material Required: Misc Downloads available: |
Here's a simple "mod": Remove the carbon piece from the trailing edge of the tailfin. Ream the carbon into the fuse about 3 mm so it will "stay". Attach it via superglue. Now you just moved the CG forward a little and freed the tail. I also folded the fin's leading edge over toward the tail rotor just for aesthetics. |
Trombone (Paperclip) mod
Author: stephamag Author Email: stephamag at RCGroups Specs: Landing Gear Mod Material Required: 2 Paper Clips Downloads available: |
My mod is the "Trombon'mod" because i used "trombones" (paper clips) as you can see. Now the picco-z is lighter and flys faster. Here is how to do it: Removed the wings and bent the two paper clips as shown. Join the paper clips together with shrink tubing. Cut a piece of Depron (6mm thick) to fit where the fins were. Place the paperclip gear against the bottom of the Z, and hot glue the Depron over the paperclips, to hold them in place. |
Winter Camo Apache
Author: tobu Author Email: Tobu at Specs: Unknown Material Required: Foam Core / Paper Stock Downloads available: |
I've been asked so many times to make new paint schemes, so I finally mapped the 2D plan back onto the 3d Model to be able to directly paint camo onto it - without worrying whether edges of separate parts fitting or not - auto perfection now :) First new version now is winter camo, hope ya like it. Make sure to have NO SCALING enabled when printing the PDF. There is a pic of the foam core and its dimensional plan. |
Heli Ideas - Not yet Plans - But a Great Place to Start:
AS-355F1 Heli
Author: RNAF Author Email: RNAF at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Material Required: 2 or 3mm Dupron Downloads available: |
Please note that I don't take credit for the plan in any way - it's not designed by me. (Site comment: the source site for this print can be found at: ) Here are some hints and details: -The plan is printed within Paint at 40% original size. -Body sides are 2 mm depron - all top and bottom parts are 1 mm depron -The body is attached by a piece of balsa, running through the triangled spacing in the PicooZ's frame -The original carbon boom is attached to the upper plate of the tail -A "bearing" mod is necessary - two square plates with an incision 1mm wide and half a millimeter over the centre. The goal is to give the body some steadyness -The battery is just pushed in the nose with some added weight -To obtain some scale-enhancing panel lines: leave the template on the foam, that you glued on. Get an empty ballpoint and follow the lines of the template with some pressure, so a you'll see the lines dented in the foam when the template is removed, then get a fineliner and draw on the lines following those lines you dented in before. Result: an extremely steady copter that looks nice too :) |
Apache Longbow
Author: Chase 6 Author Email: Chase 6 at RCGroups Specs: N/A Material Required: N/A Downloads available: |
Notes: Another Apache variant from Tobu's template. The stub wings and front wheels(not gear)are made from a styrofoam dinner plate then skinned w/template, top front sensor(tads) from foam and paper. |
Attack Helicopter
Author: RCBilly Author Email: RCBilly at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Material Required: .5 mm foam, acrylic paint Downloads available: |
Notes: Not really a very big mod but I added a verticle fin made of 0.5mm foam and painted the PZ in military desert camo paint. The additional fin seems to help with stability as this particular PZ had a tendecy to to very touchy! I used Krylon H20 from Walmart sprayed in the cap and then brushed on. It seems to be adhering well and now my least favorite PZ has become my most favorite. Bill |
Azimov Heli
Author: Azimov Author Email: Azimov at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Material Required: CF Rod, foam dinner plates Downloads available: |
Notes: Here's my modded Picoo. It has the bearing/CF shaft mod and a custom CF frame. Part of the Picoo body is used with extra parts added from foam dinner plates. The frame is super glued and then epoxied for strength. Whisper quiet and increased runtimes. |
Battle Havoc Heli Mod
Author: skiesthelimit Author Email: skiesthelimit at RCGroups Specs: Material Required: Downloads available: |
Notes: The new heli body made (the battle Havoc) fly kind of squirmy and touchy to the left side. (So) I wondered what would happen if I were to put a prop on the front of the little heli. I took an Aero Ace prop and stuck in on the front of the helicopter. This made it less touchy and a lot cooler. I can now fly slow and somewhat fast with this new setup. Then I decided (to see) what would happen if I put wings on the sides of the heli. This made it more like a plane, where it flew real fast (to the right side) and it turned quicker (to the left side), but was really stable. The only downside was that the lift was being reduced because of the wings blocking the airflow of the rotor. So all in all it was fun and in the end I came out with a cooler, better flying heli. |
Bell 222
Author: Jensst Author Email: Jensst at RCGroups Specs: Length: 170mm,Width: 24mm / 43mm (landing gear),Height: 36mm, ~2.5-3g unpainted Material Required: 0.2mm Mylar foil Downloads available: |
Notes: I recently made a prototype vac formed with 0.2mm Mylar foil, no paint, tail fin simply cut from paper (looks ugly, I know). The total AUW was quite heavy - but it flew!! Flight time dramatically decreased though. So I got motivated to work some more on the turbine exhausts and do another vac from run. Here's the result. |
Blue Heli
Author: Dogbreath Racing Author Email: Dogbreath Racing at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Material Required: Thin styrene strips and Shoe-goo Downloads available: |
This body style idea uses thin styrene strips, and shoe-goo to attach to the bottom of the foam body. This set up is very well balanced and provides slow forward motion without additional weights per the author,l weighing in at less than the stock 10 grams. The landing skids are spaced wide enough to get good landings and take-offs, much better than the stock body canards....and it looks great in flight! |
Carrier Landing Pad
Author: Taketea Author Email: Taketea Email Specs: Unknown Material Required: Paper Stock Downloads available: |
Notes: How about a nice carrier flight deck for the SeaKing! Taketea has a really nice paper carrier deck you can build. |
Cartoon News 5 edition
Author: Cpt.Krunch Author Email: Cpt.Krunch at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Material Required: 2 or 3mm Dupron Downloads available: |
Notes: My mod...get rid of the "Volvo body". I used some Depron and Zepron with the outer skin removed to save weight and made my cartoon News 5 edition. I matched the stock weight and gained a little stability and forward speed in doing so. POB is still the same but the body is 1 cm longer. Next body in the works is a big old Russian gunship. Thanks Alexander, this chopper is a dream come true for me! |
Chase 6 Hellfires
Author: Chase 6 Author Email: Chase 6 at RCGroups Specs: N/A Material Required: N/A Downloads available: |
Notes: Nice addition to the Havoc |
Author: IPal Author Email: IPal at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Material Required: Foam Core/Balsa Downloads available: |
Ipal does it again with a Chinook! Here is what he said about this great build: "It's built around 2 standard Picoos on a 1/32 balsa box girder. (The) 2 Picoos (are) on the same frequency. They are both standard mechanics apart from longer carbon shafts with 3 bearings on each. The front rotor is offset 10 degrees to counteract the torque and the single tailrotor is used to steer it. " Be watching for plans to appear in the future. |
Chopper Joe
Author: Electronick Author Email: Electronick at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Material Required: EPP Downloads available: |
Electronick has an unusual mod made on my Picoo-z. Here is what he did... "I took an old GI Joe action figure and used it as a model to carve a light weight pilot out of insulation foam. The wheels are foam and carbon fibre and the rest is foam packaging material. I tried as best to keep weight down to ensure long flight time. The rear stabilizer helps slow forward flight as all the prop wash over the pilot causes the little chopper to fly forward way too fast. I used felt tip markers to paint him and overall weight is only slightly heavier than stock body. The machine gun is too heavy for flight but still its a blast to hover this little Chopper Joe around the lounge... The next one would be molded with Polyurethane foam and a silicone mold, for more detail and professional finish. It looks heavy for flight and needs to be hand launched, it also has slightly weird flying characteristics, but really is a blast to fly! It kind of reminds me of James Bond's 'Little Nellie' mini attack helicopter......" |
Couch Z Body mod
Author: Couch-pilot Author Email: Couch-pilot at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Material Required: plastic sheet from flashlight blisterpack Downloads available: |
Couch-Pilot came up with a creative way to and a new body style to his Z. Here is what he said: "(I) used some plastic sheet from an old flashlight blisterpack. Flies more stable, and easier to land upright. Looking at pulling/vacforming a new canopy." |
Couch Z Frame mod
Author: Couch-pilot Author Email: Couch-pilot at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Material Required: .060" styrene rod, .020" thick clear blister pack sheet Downloads available: |
Couch-Pilot is back with a new frame for his Havoc / Z. Here is what he said: "Skids and brace are .060" (1/16") styrene rod (that Stripstyrene brand at hobby stores) and the two main fraimes are .020" thick clear blister pack sheet - I think these came off a flashlight from Walmart. You could also use the tube from WD40 for the skids." |
Author: qwadrat Author Email: qwadrat at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Material Required: Foam Core Downloads available: |
Notes: qwadrat has a really nice body mod for the Z, its a H-300 heli body. Nice work :) |
Hand Carved Heli
Author: simano Author Email: simano at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Material Required: wire, packing foam Downloads available: |
This clean looking heli was made by hand by the author. Here is what he had to say about its construction: "My modified Havoc/Picoo Z. Made the landing gear and skids out of wire. Carved and painted the foam cabin from a piece of my Blade CX2 box packing foam. The ventral fin on the tail boom was cut from a foam picnic plate and it helps stabilize the tail rotation. Flight times are somewhat shortened by the extra weight but it's a small price to pay for a somewhat scale looking heli!!." |
Heli Landing Pad
Author: honeybee Author Email: Honeybee at RCGroups Specs: N/A Material Required: Paper Stock Downloads available: |
Notes: With all the cool stuff for Z, we were missing one of the most important things....the landing pad! Honeybee, thanks again! |
Hogster Z
Author: Hogster Author Email: Hogster Z at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Material Required: Depron Downloads available: |
David has done a really nice job modifying his Z. Here is what he has to say about the different revisions he has made: First version: I set about stripping the body off (harder than I thought) so I could make my own undercarriage and canopy for it. I made the undercarriage from 1/4" flat CF cut into 1/16" strips (ie. 1/16" wide by <1/32" thick). The skids were made from 1/8" balsa wood. All the joints were made with CA and microballoons (similar to the baking soda idea I saw earlier in this thread ... or it might have been another thread). Then I set about doing the canopy .... argh what a time-consuming process! I started looking for plastic/polystyrene balls in our attic to give the heli a Schweizer-300-esque look to it .... but it actually just looked strange So I found myself a sheet of normaly white polystyrene and started to mark, cut and sand it. Many hours of messy-white-stuff-everywhere work later, and here's the finished result: It flies really nicely at the moment, although usually after a heavy landing or after charging the battery the trim will have gone awry .... Second version: Hmm that canopy didn't last long! A few too many unplanned landings made it crumble I've now scrapped that canopy, reinstated *part* of the old one, and added two supporting struts to give the canopy some strength. Third version: Extra mods since the last (version) include: Canards on the front made from thin acetate sheet (the clear stuff that is often found at the front of ring-bound documents), no more blutac in the nose (the battery has been moved further forward into the foam), main shaft support bracket made from thick acetate (see attached image .... it's made the heli much quieter!), and a painted canopy |
Author: petinek Author Email: petinek at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Material Required: Polystyrene Downloads available: |
Notes: Huey is made from polystyrene, with pen-knife and sandpaper. My plans were only photos and BW contour drawing from the internet... |
Hughes 300-ish
Author: RCBilly Author Email: RCBilly at RCGroups Specs: 11.4g AUW Material Required: 1.5mm CF Downloads available: |
This is my first Picco Z mod to give it a Hughes 300-ish appearance. It weighs 11.4 grams so is very stable in the air! Flight times are down to about 4 minutes as it flys in the high rpm range and I need to rebuild it to lose about a gram. I used CF rod for the gear which is 1.5mm and I need to find some CF tube (1mm rod or tube) to replace it! Looks neat buzzing about and surprisingly it is a lot quieter with the exposed and lubed gears! I used the preformed vacu plastic bubble wrap from a tape dispenser that looked about right. It is painted and adds too much weight so the next one will be clear. The orange trim is from an unused AeroAce sticker sheet. Next one will use decals to cut the weight also! Excuse the sloppy ca/baking soda joints but I wanted to get as much strength in as I could to make up for my bad landings.. The shell weighs 1.1 grams. |
IBeHoey mod
Author: IBeHoey Author Email: IBeHoey at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Material Required: coke can Downloads available: |
I bought this bird at target (along with 3 others) when they had them on sale for $15 and flew it around for about a week until my curiosity got the best of me and I just HAD to mod it. So with a new Xacto blade and a real tiny pair of scissors I set out wanting to 1st experiment with removing weight and seeing how it affected the flight characteristics..... I shaved about .6 grams off the body and added a rear spoiler from an old coke can. It flew great. I was amazed at how quieter it was with out plastic gear guards and the lighter weight enabled for it to fly until the low voltage cut off. |
Landing Gear Mod
Author: hrbeta Author Email: hrbeta at RCGroups Specs: None Material Required: Music wire, hobby wheels Downloads available: |
Notes: Hi there. Some pics of my latest PicooZ. Flies like a dream. The tail skid was moved to the front of the fuselage to look like an antenna! Tricycle landing gear was added and the wings were narrowed. The boom fairing was removed and a larger fin was added. |
Author: Electronick Author Email: Electronick at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Material Required: Polystyrene Downloads available: |
Electronick has created an improved version of his "Chopper Joe" mod. Here is what he did... "This is the improved version of the old Chopper Joe mod using PZ components; its called the Micro Assault Chopper 2000, or MAC2 for short. The pilot is carved from pink extruded polystyrene and the body kit is made from normal expanded polystyrene. I used felt tip markers to paint the pilot and left the body unpainted to save weight.. The wheels are made from pizza plate foam and the struts are carbon fiber rod. The fins are made from foam plates. Since weight is key here, I tried best to build with various light materials to suit the choppers aesthetic appeal and structure. I used hot melt glue (in very light amounts!!!) to join everything. I don't have a scale so I don't know how much it weighs. It does fly though. The flying characteristics are typical, without the pilot and machine guns the chopper flies like a real PZ; I think they are both the same weight. With the pilot added, the chopper is flyable but can have some very intense forward motion if left to its own device. The chopper will fly fine now for about 30 seconds but usually ends flying into the wall. The video is actually the first flight of the chopper, and I bought a new Silverlit PZ to do this body mod. Unfortunately the 50 caliber machine guns are too heavy to fly with so are only good for the photo shot. It needs to be hand launched because the chopper usually falls over on take off. I can get a good few minutes of flight with the pilot before the excess weight makes it sink. " |
MD500 Helicopter
Author: Brian Adams Author Email: Brian's Email Specs: 11g AUW Material Required: Lightweight foam and rolled paper Downloads available: |
Notes: Here is my picco z with MD 500E fuselage. It is made from lightweight foam and a rolled paper tailboom. The rear fins are made from a 3 by 5 index card. The landing gear legs were made from 3 by1 mm carbon and the skids were 1.5 mm carbon. Flying weight is 11g. The drawings came from |
Mash Chopper
Author: del Author Email: del at RCGroups Specs: 9.6g AUW Material Required: 2 or 3mm Depron Downloads available: |
Notes: Did a few test hops with this latest hack of the PZ. It's still a bit twitchy in yaw. But when it gets stable, it looks cool in the air. |
Pico M
Author: Marko Kruc Author Email: Marko Kruc at Yahoo Specs: Length: 175mm, Width: body 16mm / skids 30mm, Height: 60mm, Weight: about 10g Material Required: 0.5mm guitar wire, 1.8mm bamboo struts.....see notes below Downloads available: |
Materials Required: 0.5mm guitar wire, 1.8mm bamboo struts, 0.8mm thick plastic sheet, toothpicks, 3M double sided adhesive tape, an empty pvc water bottle. Author's Notes: I really didn't expect this little heli will be such a supeb outdoors flier and a great indoors cruiser! Indoors, it is capable of solid hovering when given a little of the left turn, and it is also capable of quite fast forward flying when a right turn is applied. When flown outdoors, of course it can't fly in the wind, but it can perform some nice and decent flights in a slow breeze! My guess is that this was made possible by removing the stock styro body sides, that are generally affected by the wind a lot. For outdoor flying, those flat surfaces should be minimal, and the heli should also have a landing gear that isn't too light, and isn't too heavy. Since I didn't have any carbon rods or tubes, I made my landing gear out or folded thin guitar strings, and some thin bamboo struts, that added a perfect balance to the heli. The weight is about 10 grams, and flight time is about 5 min outdoors, and about 6 mins indoors. Still, Pico M cannot be flown outdoors in the daylight when the sun interference is too strong. So I fly it when it's cloudy, or in the evenings... |
Author: Electronick Author Email: Electronick at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Material Required: Polystyrene Downloads available: |
Electronick has created Buzzzzz!. Here is what he did... "The legs and antenna are made with very thin piano wire and the head is carved from foam. I used a black felt tip marker to color it and hot glue to secure parts. It needed a tad bit of nose weight to promote forward flight. Very fun to scare the daylights out of someone with this!" |
PicooZ Plane
Author: Laurent Vogel Author Email: Laurent's email Specs: Unknown Material Required: Depron Downloads available: |
Laurent has transformed a picco Z into a plane! Here is what he says about his creation: picco Z proto planes 1 & 2 the direction is done with the anti-torque one" |
Picooz Transparent Cockpit
Author: Ang Paul Author Email: Ang Paul's email Specs: Unknown Material Required: Plastic from Z box Downloads available: |
Notes: I used the plastic which holds the helicopter in the box when I first bought it. I carved out the styro cockpit and glued the plastic and it fits perfectly. I have also added a vertical fin on the tail rotor for more flight stability. Hope you enjoy. |
Pixell Clone
Author: palomo Author Email: palomo at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Material Required: Carbon Fiber Downloads available: |
This one is for Alexander!! Here is my modification with the PiccoZ. I completely inverted the Piccoz as you can see. The reason being, is that I am a BIG fan of the Pixel II - and I had to turn this poor little fellow up-side down to give that appearance. Performance is really nice - especially with the bearing up grade. ENJOY.I will soon make a carbon canopy instead of this one. |
Author: IBeHoey Author Email: IBeHoey at RCGroups Specs: 10.2g AUW Material Required: CF Downloads available: |
Well here are some pictures of the carbon frame I built. Since it was my 1st attempt at a CF frame I wanted to keep it simple focusing mainly on weight and strength rather than appearance, and knowing that I would probably end up making a lot of changes to it, I decided not to wrap the joints with thread. Overall im quite satisfied with the way it came out, and being held together with only CA, it is very ridged. The only major flaw Ive seen with it thus far is that its not entirely straight, its off a bit to the left. Shortly after finishing the frame I received my shipment from indoor flyer, awesome service by the way. So that night I went ahead and installed a new lipo. After soldering in the new Lipo I then proceeded to install all of the components onto the frame and chose to mount the receiver underneath the lipo. In order for this to work I bent the IR making it flush with the receiver so that it would point down and then used a rubber band to hold it all together. The 90mAh lipo is about 1.08 grams heavier than the stock 50mAh so I was a bit surprised to see that the Picoo ended up weighing only 10.2 grams (about .2 grams lighter than a stock Picoo). Right off the bat I noticed a big difference with the 90 in that it took about 40min to fully charge. Over all I got about 15 minutes of flight time, which was awesome, but im sure once I get it fully balanced and the tail rotor doesnt have to work so hard to keep it level, that time should increase. Over the duration of 15min, with the exception of a few pauses here and there from adjustments and crashes, (the motors) seemed to stay pretty cool (im guessing its because they are fully exposed?). |
Reflex Defender
Author: dragonclass Author Email: dragonclass at RCGroups Specs: N/A Material Required: N/A Downloads available: |
Notes: While not a Z (or Havoc) I thought this was a good mod to post for the Reflex - a truly meaner look! |
Rocket Pod Mod
Author: Birchased Author Email: Birchased at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Material Required: Unknown Downloads available: |
Here is what Birchased had to say about his creation: "The few grams of extra weight actually helped with trimming and directional control now that I use slightly higher throttle settings to achieve a stable altitude." |
Shrink Wrap Canopy
Author: StephanB Author Email: StephanB at RCGroups Specs: Shrink wrap canopy mod Material Required: Shrink Wrap Downloads available: |
Notes: |
Shrink Wrap Canopy #2
Author: klausbub Author Email: klausbub at RCGroups Specs: Shrink wrap canopy mod Material Required: Shrink Wrap Downloads available: |
Authors Comments: The yellow screen may be a tiny bit heavier than the cut out piece of epp but I notice no difference in flight times. it has a nice forward flight without additional *useless* weight now. Note: If you cut out the foam on the cockpit be VERY carefull on the lower half because you may touch the lipo with your knife and then its ruined or starts to burn! Therefore I left about 2mm of the black painted area. this has two advantages: 1) You have no real open hole in the body (i painted it black so it looks fine), 2) You have a bit space to glue the screen on. |
Sorta Sikorsky Skycrane
Author: del Author Email: del at RCGroups Specs: 9.1g AUW Material Required: 2 or 3mm Dupron Downloads available: |
Here's my first hack of the Pico Z electronics/framework. It's a profile model that's supposed to look sorta like a Sikorsky S 64 Sky Crane. All of the parts are stock except, of course, for my hacks.The all up weight is 9.1 grams, about a gram less than the off the shelf model. Making it even lighter, for those who are so inclined, should be fairly easy. |
Stealth Chopper
Author: yumscrunt Author Email: yumscrunt at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Material Required: 1mm CF Rod Downloads available: |
Closeup of the super ligthweight stealth heli made from two dead choppers. If you notice the pic with the front part curved. That was the original design. Now it is straight an angled down. That was not done on purpose the carbon fiber on the left bent down like that so I had to break the carbon on the right to make it match the left. That is why you see that break on the pic with the stick man sitting in the heli. I like it like that even though I didn't mean to do it that way. The right side is just temporarily taped in place. |
Stealth Heli #2
Author: Ironbowser Author Email: Ironbowser at RCGroups Specs: 11g AUW Material Required: Tooth picks, Markers Downloads available: |
Missile pods and chin cannon all the way with black sharpie paint job. Statistics: Looks-150% increase Flight time-50% decrease (wings make downthrust and 1 gram heavier) Performance-40% increase (faster) Controlability-30% decrease (this heli always made a very wide right turn, and faster head speed creates a VERY wide turn) |
Stealth Landing Gear Mod
Author: Ironbowser Author Email: Ironbowser at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Material Required: UBI Wheels Downloads available: |
Here are some great landing gear I put on (the stealth). Now I can touch and go! Uses old You Build It (UBI) Wheels |
Tiger Havoc
Author: dragonclass Author Email: dragonclass at RCGroups Specs: N/A Material Required: N/A Downloads available: |
Notes: Got the Apache yesterday. My Havoc looked pretty aged next to, so I worked on it for awhile and came up with this. The linkages are bent for better stability, less "see-saw" effect. |
Translucent Mod
Author: Pierre.M Author Email: Pierre's email Specs: Unknown Material Required: Mylar Downloads available: |
Notes: Pierre has come up with a translucent body mod for his PicooZ! You can see the inner workings in action as it flys. Way to go Pierre! |
VW Bus
Author: Swanlander Author Email: Swanlander at RCGroups Specs: 10.6g AUW Material Required: Card Stock Downloads available: |
Notes: .....a flash of inspiration / insanity. Using 4 elevation photos of our VW on the computer. AUW 10.5g |
Westland Puma
Author: Len Martin Author Email: Len Martins Email Specs: Unknown Material Required: Polystyrene Downloads available: |
Notes: Len has created an interesting body for the PiccoZ. It is a scale body based on a Westland Puma. He sculpted it out of basic packing polystyrene, using an anairfix kit as a template. The decals are those from the kit. |
Wood PicooZ
Author: DIESELBIRD07 Author Email: DIESELBIRD07 at RCGroups Specs: 104g AUW Material Required: Wood, other heli components Downloads available: |
This is my wooden piccoz it is 104 grams ,it has longer tail boom, larger main and tail rotor from robo copter, bearing mod, tx from flying insect. she flys so quiet smooth like a whisper! |
Airwolf (TakeTea)
Designer: Taketea Designer Email: Taketea Email Specs: Unknown Material Required: Paper Stock Downloads available: |
Notes: |
Airwolf Helicopter
Designer: honeybee Designer Email: Honeybee at RCGroups Specs: 11g AUW Material Required: Paper or card stock Downloads available: |
Another neat design from Honeybee! Here are the specs: Airwolf fully armed ;) Weight 11 gr / 7-8 minutes Flight Time. |
Apache Longbow Helicopter
Designer: tobu Designer Email: Tobu at Specs: Unknown Material Required: Paper Stock Downloads available: |
Notes: Tobu's latest is an Apache Longbow! While a work in progress, it is very impressive. Here is what he has to say ".... it came out quite nice, but overall weight is high. I added some transparent nose canards and the apache went forwards decently.... Any hints or ideas would be very much appreciated! I will keep you posted anyways, hope ya like it..." |
BK117 Helicopter
Designer: honeybee Designer Email: Honeybee at RCGroups Specs: N/A Material Required: Paper or card stock Downloads available: |
Notes: Here are some excellent paper bodies for your PiccoZ from Honeybee! |
Bell 206 Jet Ranger
Designer: Taketea Designer Email: Taketea Email Specs: Unknown Material Required: Paper Stock Downloads available: |
Notes: Taketea has a created a Bell 206 Jet Ranger using papercraft. Thanks Taketea! |
Bell 222
Designer: dz1sfb Designer Email: dz1sfb at RCGroups Specs: 11g AUW Material Required: Depron Downloads available: |
I used 2 laminations of 2mm depron for the landing gear with paper images of the landing gear laminated to the out side. Very solid and light. I have some additional info that may be useful to anyone wanting to know how it was done. Basically a Powerpoint file with 3 view that prints right to size. This file is located in PDF link above. A nose weight was required to balance (1/8" dia. X 3/16" long tungsten). Flying time slightly reduced, but looks too good in the air to matter. |
CH55 Aircrane
Designer: Taketea Designer Email: Taketea Email Specs: Unknown Material Required: Paper Stock Downloads available: |
Notes: Taketea has a created a CH55 Aircrane using papercraft. Thanks Taketea! |
HSS-2 SeaKing
Designer: Taketea Designer Email: Taketea Email Specs: 11.1g AUW Material Required: Paper Stock Downloads available: |
Notes: Taketea has come up with his own version of the SeaKing paper body. Thanks Taketea! |
Jet Ranger
Designer: Christian Bürger Designer Email: Author home page Specs: Jet Ranger Heli Material Required: 2 or 3mm Selitron (Dupron) Downloads available: |
A F A S T heli! Here is a translation of what the author says about this design: "After the breakdown of the included 60mAh battery of Torstens PiccoZ (He had a pin in the bow of the helicopter which hit the battery when he flew into a wall ;) ) he wanted to use an 150mAh battery of an XTwin instead. Since the old hull was damaged due to the smoking battery a new hull must be built. That's why he now has this beautiful Jet Ranger. Due to the higher weight of the battery the CG moved to the front, that's why the PiccoZ is much faster now. Unfortunally the flying time is not much longer than with the small battery, as the helicopter will only fly with a full battery. " |
MH53E Seadragon
Designer: Taketea Designer Email: Taketea Email Specs: Unknown Material Required: Paper Stock Downloads available: |
Notes: Taketea has a created a Seadragon using papercraft. Thanks Taketea! |
RAH-66 Comanche
Designer: JPOP Designer Email: JPOP at RCGroups Specs: 9.8g AUW Material Required: 2 or 3mm Selitron (Dupron) Downloads available: |
Notes: I want to build an nice RAH-66 Comanche Body for my Silverlit PiccoZ. The body is composed of 3 layers of Depron. The inner layer takes the mechanical parts, the two outer layers close the thing. It will start and land on the "open weapons bay", the original EPP landing gear. Its not too slow, the CG is quite a bit forward. |
Sea King
Designer: IPal Designer Email: IPal at RCGroups Specs: 11g AUW Material Required: Blue Floormate 200 foam Downloads available: |
Notes: Here's my spin on the Picco. Carved from blue Floormate 200 foam. Weight 11 gms - only other mods are ballraces and carbon shaft. Flies a treat. Paint is Tamiya acrylic with computer generated decals using SuperCal. The sharp eyed may spot that the stabiliser is on the wrong side - but so is the tail rotor! Haven't yet figured out how to get the winch to work. |
UH60J SeaHawk
Designer: Taketea Designer Email: Taketea Email Specs: Unknown Material Required: Paper Stock Downloads available: |
Notes: Taketea has a created a UH60J SeaHawk using papercraft. Thanks Taketea! |
Designer: Neurotex Designer Email: Neurotex at RC Universe Specs: Unknown Material Required: 1/16 inch balsa Downloads available: |
Neurotex created these plans & pics for the Havoc. He said that It might have been easier to build up with foam instead of balsa but it is quite sturdy. He originally had installed a canard on the front but that made it too quick to control in his living room. |
4 channel Walkera 4#3 mod
Author: EQMOD Author Email: EQMOD at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Material Required: PicooZ,Walkera 4#3a/b 4-in-1 RX Downloads available: |
To start, i used a walkera 4#3 2.4Ghz 4-in-1 RX module. For the cyclics, i decided to pursue the "slide pin" approach as the mechanics is pretty much simple than using commutators, floating magnets, cyclic motors, etc. etc. A 2nd magnetic actuator is used for the aileron channel. I used two walkera 4#3 servo controller boards that will drive the aileron magnetic actuator. A trim pot was added (to the controller). I used thin wires to make it light. Adding the rest of the wires that will connect these two controllers to the aileron and elevator channels of a 4#3 2.4Ghz 4-in-1. Now for the slide pin, instead of metal, I used thin hard plastics. Specifically a tail fin from an X-twin plane. Using a knife cutter, i made two "plastic slide pins" for the aileron and elevator channel. I used a thin solid copper wire as poles so that i could easily bend them when the time comes in "fine-tuning" the cyclics; and here she is with the 2nd magnetic actuator, 2nd servo controller and the two plastic slide pins mounted on the picooZ frame. To keep the cyclic controls precise, I added centering magnets at the side of the actuators; This means as I release the cyclic stick (center), heli goes into the normal picooZ hover mode. |
Channel Change Mod
Author: Bluetwo Author Email: Bluetwo at RCGroups Specs: Shows you how to change the reciever channel Material Required: None Downloads available: |
Notes: There is a solder pad jumper on the front side of the rx board, labelled B - C, if neither are connected it runs on channel A. Same sort of set up as the x-twin, aeroace |
Default Connections
Author: MegaTesla Author Email: MegaTesla at RCGroups Specs: Describes Rx Connections Material Required: None Downloads available: |
Notes: For the tail motor: One of the tail motor wires is red, the other is copper coloured. Red one is soldered to + of the battery, the other one is soldered to the M1 pad. |
Throttle Glitch Solution
Author: poulsbobill Author Email: poulsbobill at RCGroups Specs: Shows you how to make a resistor for better motor control Material Required: Light wire Downloads available: |
Notes: Nice mod for a fix to the full charge problem! |
Walkera 4#3a/b 4-in-1 RX module Tail Gyro mod
Author: EQMOD Author Email: EQMOD at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Material Required: PicooZ,Walkera 4#3a/b 4-in-1 RX Downloads available: |
Notes: I modded my PicooZ to 2.4Ghz with an added stability of a tail Gyro using Walkera 4#3a/b 's 4-in-1 RX module. Check out the web link for the entire mod thread for EQMOD's work! |
Walkera 4#3a/b Servo Controller Board Upgrade
Author: EQMOD Author Email: EQMOD at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Material Required: PicooZ,Walkera 4#3a/b servo controller board Downloads available: |
Update on the 2.4Ghz Gyro-ed tail PicooZ; This was to test the "compatibility" of the walkera 4#3 micro servo controller board in driving a magnetic coil actuator. The idea was to utilize the servo board's PWM to voltage conversion which will in turn drive the cyclic coil. Here is the setup using the 3CH PicooZ platform (The Silverlit Atlas). The same 2.4ghz 4-in-1 was used plus the added servo controller board (attached to the tail). This is the same board that was used on a walkera 4#3 micro servo. TX stick center. To make this zero (0), this pot is adjusted until a 0 volt is measured on the output of the controller board. * The TX board extent pot was adjusted such that a -2 to +2 volts on full tx stick swing as the coil is very sensitve. |
Walkera 4#3a/b 4-in-1 Charge Port Schematic
Author: EQMOD Author Email: EQMOD at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Revisions: PicooZ,Walkera 4#3a/b 4-in-1 RX Downloads available: |
Notes: Here is the charge port schematic as installed on the 4-in-1. |
Hop-ups - Motor Replacement Mods::
PicooZ Motor Fix
Author: Regis Chevreuil Author Email: Regis's email Specs: Describes brush repair of main motor Material Required: Dremel or grinder Downloads available: |
I've managed to dissmantle the main Motor from my Picooz, it was running "eratic" and at the end totally stopped.... You need a grinder because it's impossible to remove the Brush-holder, just grind the four "bend metal" then remove the brushing holder aud check the brush (one of my motor was bend !!) you just need to push all the parts back together, the motor will stay nicelly once back in the chopper... |
AC Power Mod #1
Author: VPV Author Email: VPV at RCGroups Specs: Saves on batteries Material Required: Charge Jack, Resistors Downloads available: |
Notes: Well, I finally got around to modifying the Tx to accept AC power. First, I added the jack with no resistors. Set my wallwart to 9V and plugged it in. Nothing....Then, I added the 2 resistors as jtspin suggested and SUCCESS! With the resistors the Tx powers up and charges just fine. The only drawback (and it's a minor one) is the limited freedom of movement. Can't walk behind the Picco as I fly through the house... |
AC Power Mod #2
Author: Bluetwo Author Email: Bluetwo at RCGroups Specs: Saves on batteries Material Required: Charge Jack, Resistors Downloads available: |
Notes: Please note it is about as simple as they come, various enhancements could be made, adding a 4.5 v tap, voltage regulator to allow connection to a car socket etc. I have been running it about 3 months now, no problems so far. Sorry it is a bit of a large file, but you can zoom in on the image to the bit you want. |
Air Hogs Havoc Heli AC / Battery mod
Author: swedishlf Author Email: swedishlf at RCGroups Specs: Adds to battery life by using AC supply Material Required: Slide switch, AC adapter, connector Downloads available: |
Swedishlf mod lets you choose between AC and battery power, so you can save batteries but still fly when AC power is not available with full freedom of motion. |
Extra Battery Mod
Author: Wilmer Author Email: Wilmer's Email Specs: Adds additional battery holder Material Required: RS AA Battery holder Downloads available: |
Notes: Here's a mod to the transmitter to use AA rechargeables. These batteries are1.2V instead of 1.5V (regular). So, I added a seventh battery in series to raise the voltage to 8.2V for charging. The battery holder (Radio Shack 270-401) is a perfect match and almost looks like it belongs there. I sanded the surfaces and used epoxy glue. Two connections need to be soldered. To use the regular cells, just place a jumper in the new holder. |
NiMh Tx Mod with AC Power Mod
Author: mrasmm Author Email: mrasmm at RCGroups Specs: Mod to allow you to use NiMh Rechargables and AC supply cord Material Required: RS AA Battery holder, AC adapter, connector Downloads available: |
Notes: This mod allows you to make your picco Tx able to plug into the wall instead of run your batteries down. It also allows you to use rechargeable NiMh batteries, instead of standard alkaline batteries, by the additional of the holder for the extra cell which is required. |
Power Station Mod
Author: Pierre.M Author Email: Pierre's email Specs: Enables you to use both AC adapter and 9V type batteries Material Required: Wire, LR9 plug, jack Downloads available: |
Notes: This (mod) allows the Tx to be plugged on a AC-DC adaptator. This also allow you to switch between the original battery or a 6LR61 battery . |
Throttle Spring Mod
Author: Racerx208 Author Email: Racerx208 at RCGroups Specs: Allows throttle stick not to snap back Material Required: None Downloads available: |
Notes: This mod allows you to maintain a throttle position on the transmitter without having to constantly hold the stick. |
Thumb Saver
Author: jetpack Author Email: jetpack at RCGroups Specs: Flying with style.... Material Required: PVC Screw Thread Protectors Downloads available: |
Notes: Added PVC Screw Thread Protectors from the hardware store for stick grips. Gets rid of the black thumb syndrome, and adds comfort and style. |
Author: alfoot Author Email: Al Foot at RCGroups Specs: Length: Approx 11 inches, AUW 1 1/8 ounces Material Required: Depron,EPP, balsa, CF - see hints document Downloads available: |
If you open the jpeg for the fuselage using "Windows Picture Viewer", follow the instructions and print at 100% size, it should come out ready to use as a template. See the attached hints document for building information. |
Cessna Autogyro
Author: tnt2000 Author Email: tnt2000 at RCGroups Specs: Rotor: 52cm x 8cm,79g AUW Material Required: Unknown Downloads available: |
Current specs is: Total weight: about 79g (body 58g + bat 21g) Blade: 8cm x 25cm, total length 52cm with 1mm balsa shim. Motor: 11g Outrunner (I guess 3800KV) Prop: GWS 6030 Receiver: Berg4 (Microstamp) Battery: Polyquest 2 Cell 350mah(20C, 21g) Servo: one 3.7g servo from ESC: 6A ESC from hobbywing. |
Snoopy Flyer
Author: gbarc Author Email: gbarc at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Material Required: Penny thick blue foam...see notes below Downloads available: |
Notes: Constructed from penny thick blue foam. 6mm pager 4.5 ohms geared 6:1. 4.75 inch soda can prop. 50mah lipo. See plan notes for more information. |
Heli Ideas - Not yet Plans - But a Great Place to Start:
Big Micro Gyro Trike Version
Author: alfoot Author Email: Al Foot at RCGroups Specs: 56g AUW Material Required: EPP Downloads available: |
Notes: I finished my trike BigMicrogyro tonight, here it is ready to go at 56 grams, slightly heavier than the others, due to the extra wheel I guess. I have run it up on the carpet and it steers fine, even though the nosewheel is fixed. |
Author: Mr. Osamu Author Email: 036036 at YouTube Specs: 6.2g AUW Material Required: EPP Downloads available: |
AUW:6.2g Rotor dia:240mm Blade width:65mm Prop dia:80mm Gear:9/36 Motor:06-4.5 Thrustline-Rotor Angle: 30degree Blade Pitch: -5degree Fuselage Length(wheel axle to rudder):120mm Fuselage Height: 100mm Materials(for fuselage and rotor):2mm EPP and PP tape. |
Author: RCBilly Author Email: RCBilly at RCGroups Specs: Rotor: 355 x 90 mm, 13.6g AUW Material Required: MacDonalds breakfast plates,Parkzone Cessna brick,motor/gearbox, Citabria prop Downloads available: |
The MacGyro is completely made from MacDonalds breakfast plates, fuse and rotor using UHU glue. It uses the stock Parkzone Cessna brick and motor/gearbox with the Citabria prop. Rotor is now 355 x 90 mm and the AUW with standard PZ battery is 13.6 grams. It is my slowest flyer now and I should be able use it outside at least when it's calm because it is not IR. The 3 dimensional fuses are easy to make as seen in the bottom pic. The only formers are a triangular piece that becomes the windscreen and a rectangular piece that is the top front. Use UHU glue around the edges. A square of foam in the bottom makes the radio mounting plate. I leave the bottom off to access the radio and save a little weight. This method does protect the radio and is adaptable to any size AG. |
Micro Autogyro "Fish"
Author: Mr. Osamu Author Email: 036036 at YouTube Specs: 5.7g AUW Material Required: EPP Downloads available: |
AUW:5.7g Rotor dia:180mm Blade width:50mm Nose to tail:105mm Motor:06-4.5 Gear:9/36 Prop dia:70mm Lipo:50mAh |
Micro Autogyro (6mm pager motor)
Author: Mr. Osamu Author Email: 036036 at YouTube Specs: 7.3g AUW Material Required: EPP Downloads available: |
AUW:7.3g Length(spinner to rudder):175mm Rotor:Dia 200mm,Width 60mm Motor:06-4.5 Gear:9/60 Prop Dia:110mm |
Micro Autogyro (Midmotor)
Author: Mr. Osamu Author Email: 036036 at YouTube Specs: 7.6g AUW Material Required: EPP Downloads available: |
AUW:7.6g Length(nose to rudder):145mm Rotor:Dia 250mm,Width 65mm Motor:06-4.5 Gear:9/60 Prop Dia:100mm Lipo:50mAh These are the average spec of my autogyros. Rotor angle is 25 degrees from thrust line. Negative pitch of blade is 5 degrees. Thrust is more than 70% of AUW. Thrust of your motor is enough for flight, I think. Larger rotor angle and blades pitch make autorotation better but make larger drag too. Anyway,try to fly it first. |
Micro Autogyro (Pusher Two bladed rotor)
Author: Mr. Osamu Author Email: 036036 at YouTube Specs: 7.0g AUW Material Required: EPP Downloads available: |
AUW:7g RotorDIA:180mm Length:210mm Prop:65mmDIA Motor:MK06-4.5 9/36geared Lipo:50mAh |
Micro Benson Gyro Copter
Author: RCBilly Author Email: RCBilly at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Material Required: EPP Downloads available: |
Notes: I made a quick micro build of a Benson Gyro Copter. It has a direct drive 6mm motor with Aero Ace pusher prop. |
Micro Pitcairn Profile
Author: RCBilly Author Email: RCBilly at RCGroups Specs: Unknown Material Required: EPP Downloads available: |
My 5 gram outrunner came from China today and so I finished up my profile Pitcairn Cabin big micro autogyro! I made it the same dimensions as Al's big micro and hopefully it will fly half as well as his! |
Pusher Autogyro
Author: tnt2000 Author Email: tnt2000 at RCGroups Specs: 114g AUW Material Required: EPP Body Downloads available: |
Pretty much same spec as previous one(cessna-type) except body was made of EPP. AUW was about 114g(80g body + 34g battery) Battery 20used 2Cell 20C 500mah instead of 350mah due to CG. This flies much stable and feel like controlling EZ-star. Field was about 20Mx20M but it was big enough for it. |
RC Autogyro (CD-ROM Motor, 2chControl)
Author: Mr. Osamu Author Email: 036036 at YouTube Specs: 110g AUW Material Required: EPP Downloads available: |
AUW:110g Rotor Dia:550mm Blade width:160mm Nose to rudder:350mm Motor:CD-ROM Prop:APC7x4 Lipo:300mAh 2s Control:2ch motor & rudder |