In 2006 a line of micro RC planes and helicopters appeared on the US market.
They had the unique distinction of not only being very small, but durable and fun!
The “Toolboxes” as they came to be known, were born out of inspiration one evening in 2006 when I started looking for ways to “organize” the information out on the web that had to do with repair, modification, and improving of these great little flying machines.
I found that there was a large volume of both great information, and dialog between people who were quickly becoming friends from all around the world.
The problem was, the more dialog that occurred, the more each “great idea” was getting buried in the discussions going on. That is when the toolboxes were born……..
Each toolbox helped organized all the information that was out there in such a way as to make it easy for anyone to find. It also referred them back to all the great discussions going on at the time. In this way it helped “plus” each source of information, taking nothing away from either the owners or the content providers.
So presented here for your enjoyment is the original content of each of the primary toolboxes. Click on either of the images above to access the former websites. While the airplanes and heli’s are mostly long gone, the information may be invaluable to someone using modern technology. So enjoy!